Are you committed to living your LIGHT Potential?
Have you been wanting to feel your connection to source or spirit so strongly that you had absolutely no doubt it existed?
Then you are ready to rouse from your sleep, awaken and merge consciously with what’s been inside you the whole time. The seed of longing that was planted inside you long ago is ready to burst forth.
You are ready and you are being called. It is time to share your soul gifts and blessings for the healing light of you and the planet.
You are being called even if sometimes you feel:
Not quite good enough,
Like you don’t know how to connect to your higher purpose.
Like you don’t like asking for help.
You are being summoned. This is the time you’ve been waiting for. This is when you need to kick it into action. This is the time to completely, full-on connect to your Soul and Divine Light. You are ready to stop SEEKING and finally EMBRACE your divine presence, so that you can do your great works on the planet.
Bre Wolfe is here to help.
If you need a trusted sister to show you who you REALLY are.
Bre can help you listen, act and speak from your highest creative truth. She will remind you-so you’ll never forget again-that you are light, here to help all sentient beings and the Mother.
When working with Bre you will experience fundamental changes in your life.
You will realize there is plenty of time.
You are filled with abundance
There is plenty of love.
The gifts to following your heart and truth?
Your love of self will grow so high it bubbles out of you and spills on to everyone around you…
Doubt will lose it’s grip. Habits will fall away. Fear will subside, love of self will grow so high it bubbles out of you and spills onto everyone around you.
You have clarity about what to do in each circumstance. You will see yourself and the world through eyes of compassion and love. When we love, we accept our self, and we compassionately see ourselves in our brothers and sisters.
Dreaming and acting on our higher visions is how we co-create with source. Let’s reconnect you to knowing that life experiences are priceless treasures.
That’s why Bre Wolfe channeled
Designed to:
Connect you to an endless stream of energy.
LIGHT COACHING connects you to your body and emotions and gives you the tools to adjust yourself to stay super healthy and bright, receiving the clear signal.
And helps you to…
Share that light with everyone as a reminder of who they are.
You have arrived! It is time. I honor and salute you. I admire your courage! Let’s have some fun!
She is a medicine worker, a sound healer, a peace activist, an inspirational speaker, a compassionate spiritual teacher, an acclaimed YOGA NIDRA AMRIT instructor, Reiki Practitioner, and author of BREATHE: Your Guide to Cannabis, Yoga & Spirituality.
Experienced Certified Integrated Life Coach
She is a Certified Integrative Life Coach from JFK University and is part of an intentional community of healers and activists that promote safe psychedelic use for personal and global healing and transformation.

EmmaTmembani LIGHT Coaching
Let Bre lift and guide you to…
Tuning into the wisdom of your body and higher self.
“Bre has been such an example of love and light in my life. She has a wonderful ability to see into the higher realms and enlighten others with her compassion, joy, and wisdom. I am so thankful and honored to have known Bre for all these years and to watch her as she shares her consciousness so effortlessly. Thank you, Bre.”
- Brenda Ponze
Listen to what you are saying AND not saying (that needs to be heard).
“That was an amazing session. I am very grateful. I had some wonderful insights and releases. and I’m so glad I was able to write it down and retrieve it. With gratitude thank you my dear. You are an honored and beautiful guide.”
- Lili Townsend
Reflect a sacred deep listening to reveal your soul journey.
“…Bre is an agent of light and love who fills you with the same light and love she carries within her and spreads to everyone she meets along her path.
A guided journey with Bre is not something you experience once; it will be with you for a lifetime. It is such a transforming and powerful experience you will take with you, build on and benefit from for whatever your intention is to do, be, change, or master in your life…”
-Linda Scharinger
You’ll receive a professional, loving assessment
And a customized action guide.
You get a proven way to connect to your Soul with Light Body Fusion.
How does it work?
Step 1: Bre will help you tune into the wisdom of your body and your higher self.
Step 2: She will reflect deep listening
Step 3: Bre will listen to what you are saying as well as what you are not saying.
Step 4: Together you will create customized actions based on your deepest intuitive guidance, so you live your purpose
Step 5: Together you will do deep seated excursions into yourself that will help you release negative energy, by dismantling physical, emotional, and energetic blocks.
Step Into Your Power:
I am here to support women who want to completely connect to their Soul's Light And Mission.
Join me if you plan to step into a future of peaceful co-existence with all sentient beings,
Where we protect, honor and love our Mother earth by sharing knowledge, love and light to all of those around us!
Grace Purusha Yoga class /coach